Welcome to ROPFuscator!

We're thrilled to share that ROPFuscator is now publicly available on GitHub! We invite you to explore the project, learn from it, and contribute to its growth. ROPFuscator is a fine-grained code obfuscation framework for LLVM-supported languages using ROP (return-oriented programming), designed to transform regular instructions into ROP chains and enhance security.

Key Improvements

Our project focuses on reproducibility and ease of integration, making it more accessible to a wide range of users. We've made several key improvements, including leveraging the Nix package manager for reliable and reproducible builds and enabling transparent obfuscation for upstream Nix packages. These enhancements allow users to seamlessly integrate ROPFuscator into their existing workflows and test its capabilities.

Collaboration and Contributions

We believe in the power of collaboration and are eager to see ROPFuscator grow with the help of the community. We especially encourage students interested in publishing academic research using ROPFuscator to contribute. Your insights and expertise can make a significant impact on the project, and we'd love to support your research endeavors. If you're interested in collaborating or discussing potential extensions, please reach out to the authors!


ROPfuscator: Robust Obfuscation with ROP
Giulio De Pasquale, Fukutomo Nakanishi, Daniele Ferla, Lorenzo Cavallaro
WOOT · 17th IEEE Workshop on Offensive Technologies (WOOT), 2023
author = {Giulio De Pasquale and Fukutomo Nakanishi and Daniele Ferla and Lorenzo Cavallaro},
title = {Intertwining ROP Gadgets and Opaque Predicates for Robust Obfuscation},
journal = {17th IEEE Workshop on Offensive Technologies (WOOT)},
year = {2023},


  • Giulio De Pasquale, Ph.D. Student, King's College London
  • Fukutomo Nakanishi, Security researcher, Toshiba Corporation; visiting researcher (until February 2021), King's College London
  • Daniele Ferla, Ph.D. Student, University of Bologna
  • Lorenzo Cavallaro, Full Professor of Computer Science, Chair in Cybersecurity (Systems Security), University College of London